just do

I stepped outside my mind And let the energy flow And to my surprise, dismay, and slight disappointment It said vacuum It even said what vacuum to use Because it was not just for the carpet but the floor And the voice said, you will mop And so I did For it told me itContinue reading “just do”

it’s back, repairs from a concussion

It’s back And this time I was happy The illusions of the dark Where there is light When I open my eyes And peer into the fishbowl Of the blanketed world Under my covers I made a diving mask around my eyes With my hands And dipped my face Into the illuminated world Of aContinue reading “it’s back, repairs from a concussion”

transistor radio

Listening to songs of old The songs of past Time holding that transistor Radio in hand Before the day of headphones Sharing that monotone vision Making where you stood The best receptacle To the land You felt freedom You felt hope I felt joy In all that you spoke With one little song The worldContinue reading “transistor radio”

pixel show

Reading shadows In the leaves Befallen images Upon my fence Laughing as I see My old dog smiling At me Then the breeze shifts The images move Their dappled pixels Swaying Is he running Away No It’s my grandmother Wearing a flouncy Chiffon petal hat Those commonly adorned By ladies In the sixties When womenContinue reading “pixel show”

hear the voices

I heard the voices as they came to me and they said do not be afraid for we hold you ever so dear in our hearts of hearts we find joy in the laughter you make for the sake of others tell your story to be true to yourself hearing voices is a blessing mixedContinue reading “hear the voices”